Recent Ransomware Attacks Should Be Treated as A "Wake-up Call"  

Recent Ransomware Attacks Should Be Treated as A "Wake-up Call"

Table of Contents
  1. Recent Ransomware Attacks fallout
  2. Should you pay ransom under current Ransomware threats?
  3. Defeat Ransomware with effective solutions💡
  4. Editor says🔥

Recent Ransomware Attacks fallout

Recent Ransomware attacks made a big influence around the world. The Ransomware named WannaCry, or Wanna Decryptor. When your computer inflected by the WannaCry Ransomware, your important data such as photos, documents, audios, videos and other files will be encrypted with the file extension ".WNCRY". If you see an alert "Oops, your files have been encrypted" when you trying to open a personal file, then your computer has been infected with WannaCry Ransomware, and you've been asked for paying $300 worth of bitcoin to decrypt files envrypted.


The new Ransomware affecting more than 200,000 organizations in 150 counties:

Victim Countries

Microsoft says: this cyber-attack that has hit 150 countries since Friday should be treated by governments around the world as a "wake-up call". Governments storing data on software vulnerabilities could be accessed by hackers, and the recent WannaCry Ransomware attacks is spreading trough the Windows flaw "EternalBlue", which is accessed from NSA by hackers.

The spread of the WannaCry ransomware attack slowed over the weekend but the respite might only be brief, experts have said. More than 200,000 computers have been affected so far.and there are fears of more recent ransomware attacks as people begin work everyday.

Fortunately, there is no evidence so far of a second round of cyber attacks.

Should you pay ransom under current Ransomware threats?

The WannaCry Ransomware threat took control of users' files and demanded $300 worth of bitcoin payments to restore access. Should you pay ransom? The answer is NO! The people behind the transaction are criminals. It is no avail to pay the ransom. Besides, they may demand more after your payment.

Defeat Ransomware with effective solutions💡

Current Ransomware threats people a lot. However, you can do a lot of things to defeat recent Ransomware attacks. There are many ways you can follow to defense against Ransomware.

  1. Keep your operating system up to date. Microsoft had released a Windows security update in March to tackle the problem involved in the recent Ransomware attack. But many users were yet to run it.
  2. Block the connection of port 445. WannaCry Ransomware inflected computer through the port 445, and once one computer inflected, the computers in the same network will be affected in a short time.
  3. Be suspicious of emails, websites, applications. The Ransomware may hide in some malicious links, websites, software. Once you trigger those hidden malicious links, websites, software, your computer will be attacked. If you can't distinguish them, download an antivirus program, which may help a lot.

The three ways may help you defeat against current Ransomware threats.

Editor says🔥

For computer users, data is the most important thing. Once your files have been encrypted by recent Ransomware, you will get into a big trouble. Unless you backed up all your important files. It does really necessary to backup important files no matter for defeating Ransomware, or other threat of losing data.

Backup should always be the good habit for keeping data safe. If the recent Ransomware attacks you, and encrypted your important files, you can reinstall operating system to release your computer from the Ransomware, then, recover your important files with the backup images.

Thus, why don't you backup your important files before Ransomware attacks you?

Fortunately, a backup software Qiling Disk Master Standard, which is especially designed for WannaCry Ransomware, can help you defense against WannaCry Ransomware in the best way. It supports you to backup files, system, partition, even the entire disk to an external hard drive to protect your data from the Ransomware threats.

It will give you two choices to backup your PC: backup within/without Windows. If your computer is inflected, choose Create Bootable Media to create a bootable media and then perform an offline backup without virus running.

Here gives you an example of backup files with Qiling Disk Master Standard.

Step 1. Connect your external hard drive to your computer. Download this freeware. Install and launch it.

Step 2. Click Backup. Then, select File Backup.

File Backup

Step 3. Then, choose the files/folders you want to backup. And select the external hard drive as the destination disk. Here you can also set up an automatic backup by Schedule Backup option. Then, click Proceed to submit the task.


Once the recent Ransomware attacks your computer and encrypted your important files, don't panic. You can use Qiling Disk Master Standard to restore files after removing the Ransomware. Now, backup your files frequently.

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