command line options - QILING Technology Forum 

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command line options

By  AlDunbar  at 2023-06-15,  741 view . 0 favorite
For my us of "Ram Disk", it would be helpful to be able to easily perform the "reset temporary directory to default", "stop ramdisk" and "start ramdisk" functions with a simple script or command rather than by activating these functions from within Disk Master.

If possible, please describe how this can be done. If command line options are available for these or other functions, please provide a list of them.
AlDunbar medium avatar
#-9 - 2023-09-18 Reply_button

I do not want to mount an image, I want to perform some actions on an existing ramdisk from the command line without having to interact with the DiskMasterUI.exe application.

I found these possibly helpful items in appmsg.ini:

9=Create ramdisk
9_1=Start creating ramdisk
9_2=Finish creating ramdisk
10=Create virtual disk
10_1=Start creating virtual disk
10_2=Finish creating virtual disk
11=Start ramdisk
12=Stop ramdisk
13=Set temporary directory to ramdisk
14=Reset temporary directory to default
15=Add virtual disk
16=Remove virtual disk

But it is not clear how any of the functions named can be executed directly, if this is even possible.
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