command line options - QILING Technology Forum 

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command line options

By  AlDunbar  at 2023-06-15,  697 view . 0 favorite
For my us of "Ram Disk", it would be helpful to be able to easily perform the "reset temporary directory to default", "stop ramdisk" and "start ramdisk" functions with a simple script or command rather than by activating these functions from within Disk Master.

If possible, please describe how this can be done. If command line options are available for these or other functions, please provide a list of them.
support medium avatar
#-9 - 2023-06-16 Reply_button

Sorry, there is no simple command rather than by activating these functions from within Disk Master. We will support it on next version.
AlDunbar medium avatar
#-8 - 2023-09-18 Reply_button

OK, thanks. is there any idea when the next version may be available?
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