Recovery seems a little slow to me - QILING Technology Forum 

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Recovery seems a little slow to me

By  James  at 2015-02-02,  2710 view . 0 favorite
Hello support

I made and recovered a partition of 100Gb with ~30Gb of data. It took ~1.5 hrs to recover. The source and target were on the same disk (different partitions). Transfer rate was ~4 Meg / sec. This is on a new Windows 8.1 PC. Seems a little slow to me. What do you think?

support medium avatar
#-9 - 2015-02-02 Reply_button

Hello James

If the partition has a lot fragments, the recovery will be slow, because the recovery process to be defragmented.
You can try to recovery the partition with sector by sector recovery options.

Best regards
Technical support team
DAYU Technology
VarlarMorghulis medium avatar
#-8 - 2016-01-11 Reply_button

Hello Support

How to perform Sector by sector recovery if I didn't perform sector by sector backup? Why is sector by sector recovery faster than regular recovery? please explain how it works
support medium avatar
#-7 - 2016-01-11 Reply_button


first, please select 'sector by sector recovery' in disk recovery wizard, then disk master perform sector by sector recovery.
second, the sector by sector recovery is to restore all backup sectors to the original location. because disk the sector by sector recovery isn't doing defragmentation, so it's faster than regular recovery.

QILING Technical support team.
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