No external drive in WinPE - QILING Technology Forum 

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No external drive in WinPE

By  jansu  at 2015-10-03,  2244 view . 0 favorite
Hi.I turned on the WinPE, but you can not see the connected external drive. Acronis shows that disk. Why is this happening? I could not restore the backup of the system partition for this reason.
support medium avatar
#-9 - 2015-10-08 Reply_button

Hi Jansu,

You can click Flush buttion at top-right in 'Disk management' tab.
It will flush hard disk.

QILING Support team.
jansu medium avatar
#-8 - 2015-10-09 Reply_button

Hi QILING Support team,

I did this, but still nothing.

I want to clarify, external drive is visible in Win XP, when it is pinned into at USB2 port.
At usb3 you do not see it in the "Disk manangement".
This is an external drive USB3 and I feel sorry for his speed for USB2.
In contrast, the external drive (for USB 3) is visible from under Windows.

Best Regards.

support medium avatar
#-7 - 2015-10-09 Reply_button

Hi Jansu,

There may be no USB3 drivers in WinPE.
You can create a new WinPE at the Windows PC that support USB3.
We recommend that you create WinPE on your computer that be needed to restore.

OR you can pin external drive into USB2 port.

QILNG Support team
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