Failed to create directory, possibly not permitted - QILING Technology Forum 

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Failed to create directory, possibly not permitted

By  anton  at 2016-06-21,  1968 view . 0 favorite

ErrorCode: 0x1230d911

I assigned my NAS Synology to the path Z:/Backup/My Storage

Any advise what can be wrong?
Thanks, Anton
support medium avatar
#-9 - 2016-06-22 Reply_button


There may not have permission to create the directory.
Please send the log file(vDiskUI.log and agent.log) to us.
The log file is in the installed path.

Best regards

Qiling tech support team.
support medium avatar
#-8 - 2016-06-22 Reply_button


Thank you for the log file that you have sand to us.
From the log file, you backup path is Z:BackupAntonMy Storage.
but this path was not existed. please check this.
you assigned your NAS Synology to the path Z:/Backup/My Storage, you shall assigned your
backup path to this path too.

Best regards
Qiling tech support team.
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