Not possible to restore from NAS to a new HDD - QILING Technology Forum 

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Not possible to restore from NAS to a new HDD

By  cloggy  at 2016-11-15,  2083 view . 0 favorite
I've tested the program but it is not possible to restore a disk image backup, which is stored on a NAS, to restore to a new blank HDD. After booting Disk Master Pro from a USB, created on the same PC, the program is not able to connect to the NAS while in the command mode a NET SHARE command is working fine and the backup file on the share can be accessed. This is a serious bug and I have therefor removed version 3.9.2. Once a new version becomes available, I might consider to give the program another try..... So, far, the program is nice for partition restores but absolutely _NOT_ for full disk image restores.

That such a basic function doesn't work is a shame. I wonder if the developer has ever tested this..
support medium avatar
#-9 - 2016-11-17 Reply_button


Thank you for your error report.
If the backup task that is backuped to NAS is in task list, please send the log files to us. thanks!
If the backup task that is backuped to NAS is not in task list, please Network mapping the NAS share path to local, and browse this local path to restore this task. If not too, please send the log files to us.

Best regards
qiling tech support team.
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