recovering backed up image with free version - QILING Technology Forum 

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recovering backed up image with free version

By  spongya77  at 2017-01-27,  2022 view . 0 favorite
No matter what I do the program tells me that it only supports the recovery if I upgrade.

How can I recover data from a backed up partition? Is it possible at all?

(The issue is a bit more complex: I have a new system on, and would only need some data from the backed up version; that means extracting it to an external hard drive, as I do not wish to jeopardize my present system by overwriting it with the complete C: backup...)

Thank you
support medium avatar
#-9 - 2017-02-01 Reply_button


YOu can mount this partition that you backed up, and copy the files that you need to target path
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