How do I have DM 4.63 Free ignore 0 legnth files and folders ? - QILING Technology Forum 

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How do I have DM 4.63 Free ignore 0 legnth files and folders ?

By  ek111848  at 2018-03-24,  1546 view . 0 favorite
My scan of files and folders takes quite a bit of time. The only folder I'm backing up is the user folder and all it's sub folders. When backup finally starts, I get a lot of errors concerning files or folders that are either 0 length or don't have permission to access. Is there a setting that will permit the software to skip those items, and then remember for future scans to ignore them?

support medium avatar
#-9 - 2018-04-06 Reply_button

Hello Ed,

Thank you for your using our software.
Is there many files or folder in the selected files?
You can un-selected the files that is 0 length, than disk master will skip it.
Could you send the log file to us, and we will analyze the detail of this problem.

Qiling tech support team

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