Failed to create the ram disk on windows bootcamp. - QILING Technology Forum 

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Failed to create the ram disk on windows bootcamp.

By  ippei  at 2019-02-15,  1935 view . 0 favorite
I am using Windows 10 Professional x64 on MacBookPro15inch 2017 with bootcamp.
I tried to create a Ramdisk with DiskMasterFree but failed with an error like the one shown below.

DiskMasterFree4.51 with Win10 version 1803.
Failed to write file, there may be a disk or a network problem. Error Code:0x22e06907

DiskMasterFree4.7.1 with Win10 version 1809.
The disk type is not supported.(ErrorCode:0x28c09034)

support medium avatar
#-9 - 2019-03-08 Reply_button

Could you send the log files to
The log files is in the installed path.

OR please download new version from link:

and try it again.
ippei medium avatar
#-8 - 2019-05-13 Reply_button

It's fixed DiskMasterFree ver 4.75 Build 20190315.

Thank you.
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