What enhancements and improvements would you like? - QILING Technology Forum 

QILING Technology Forum / Suggestions or comments

What enhancements and improvements would you like?

By  support  at 2015-08-29,  2424 view . 0 favorite
Hi guys,

If you find any bugs in our products,
If you have any new feature requests,
If you feel that we need to strengthen some features which have been added in the products,
please post them here. Any suggestions or thoughts are welcome!

We will collect them, and fix the urgent bugs and add the most popular features in later upgrades.
Come on, let us know your thoughts!

In addition, we will sort out the valuable points at regular intervals, and to show our gratitude, we will provide QILING Disk Master Pro + lifetime upgrades as a gift to some of you.

QILING Disk Master Pro's Info URL:

DynamicK medium avatar
#-9 - 2016-02-04 Reply_button

Please make user guide available as a PDF download. My main PC is not connected to the internet. Thanks
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Suggestions or comments
If you submit bug reports or suggestions, we will provide QILING Disk Master Pro + lifetime upgrades as a gift to some of you.