QILING Technology Forum / QILING Disk Master
File does not exist error when attempting to restore backup
By Waggonerw at 2016-02-23, 3002 view . 0 favoriteI have:
- created a qiling repair usb stick
- made a system backup
- booted from the repair disk
- formatted my c: partition (system partition has no drive letter)
- rebooted from the usb stick
- used disk recovery and selected the system backup
Now I am getting the error message:
"File does not exist. (ErrorCode:0x26f10020)"
when I need to select a destination. I therefore cannot select my built in hard drive.
How can I resolve this?
- created a qiling repair usb stick
- made a system backup
- booted from the repair disk
- formatted my c: partition (system partition has no drive letter)
- rebooted from the usb stick
- used disk recovery and selected the system backup
Now I am getting the error message:
"File does not exist. (ErrorCode:0x26f10020)"
when I need to select a destination. I therefore cannot select my built in hard drive.
How can I resolve this?