QILING Technology Forum / QILING Disk Master
Calculating Backup Size error
By DickDay at 2016-02-28, 2089 view . 0 favoriteI just downloaded your Disk Master Free. I set the parameters and then wanted to see the size of the backup. It sat for hours calculating until I clicked the Close button. When I did that, it threw up an error.
The DLL version is Invalid. Error Code:0x000000002)
I am running Win7Pro w/SP1 w/8GB 64-bit w/Intel Core i5 processor.
My drive C: is a solid-state drive and drive F: is a Drobo 4-bay system.
The DLL version is Invalid. Error Code:0x000000002)
I am running Win7Pro w/SP1 w/8GB 64-bit w/Intel Core i5 processor.
My drive C: is a solid-state drive and drive F: is a Drobo 4-bay system.