How to open DiskMaster as multiple instances? - QILING Technology Forum 

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How to open DiskMaster as multiple instances?

By  Jon81  at 2019-09-28,  1623 view . 0 favorite
Hi all!
I want to open multiple virtual disks as independent softwares, I specifically want to open multiple instances of DiskMaster so that I can set different CPU affinity prioritys. I dont want to open multiple virtual drives from the same instance of software because I would not be able to set each virtual drive to different prioritys.
I have tryd ''run as separate user'' but it didnt quit work.
Any ideas how I can achieve this?

Currently using Windows 10 Home 64-bit, DiskMaster Pro 4.7.6 Trial.
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#-9 - 2019-10-25 Reply_button

DiskMaster is run one instances at same time on one PC.
Why you need multiple instances of DiskMaster at same time?
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